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In today’s world, with fast fashion brands constantly shoving out cheap clothing onto their shop floors to keep ahead of ever-changing trends, along with the rising community of social media "celebrities" that advocate these fleeting and unethical products, it's becoming more and more important to seek out brands that are genuinely invested in sustainable work practices, as well as the the needs of their customers.

You can trust that Quinn will always have your back. That instead of ripping you off with low quality products made in unethical factories, or pressuring you to keep up with “trends” that feed obsessive consumption and fill your wardrobe with temporary pieces, we are a brand that wholeheartedly believes in telling the truth and delivering the highest quality products that stay with your forever. We do this by putting our profit back into our products.

All this means is that not only are we making sure that the people, and the beloved goats, behind our products are being taken care of, we’re also constantly improving the quality and design of each new collection. We are putting our money into furthering research of new and improved yarns (yes, former goat hair), and to fund the continuation of our ethical practice for the good of our environment, and those working in our factories.

Not only does Quinn want to identify as a sustainable brand, we also want to be a brand that is well-loved and resepected by our customers and other fashion companies. We want to keep providing goods and services that improve lifestyles and give people value for their money. We want to keep taking steps closer to being 100% eco friendly.

Instead of adapting to the neverending trends of today’s fashion world just to make profit (AKA producing many different pieces per season, and quickly) we are focusing our efforts instead on building genuine connections with our Quinn family, and making an effort to understand what our customers think, feel, and want in our products. (You can be sure to feel the love and appreciation from us on the daily, because we spend a lot of time sliding into DMs just for a chat. Watch out).

And so, while other companies are spending hundreds on bloggers to post staged pictures of themselves in their products, we are showing a more genuine client base where our brand ambassadors are real customers, with a real love for our brand. Our campaigns portray a realistic image of our products, sending the message that our clothing is for the every day people, created with all bodies, shapes, and sizes in mind.

Quinn is happy to follow its own path, and avoid being part of a fashion movement that is unethical and unsustainable, or purely profit-driven. These are the conscious decisions we make as a brand, to move forward into a future of fashion that will hopefully have sustainability as it’s main driving factor (instead of exploiting consumer money, factory workers, and the environment).

For now, you can at least be sure that from the moment the hairs are being combed from our goats, to the point when you are receiving your delivery from us, that we are operating fairly every step of the way because we care about you, and everyone else involved in the making of our clothes.

Trends will come and go, but Quinn lasts.

Discover the quality that is Quinn.

Shop our forever collections for men and women here now.

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